Messy Home Fixes for Busy People

A messy home with toys strewn all over.

If you’ve ever walked into your child’s playroom only to impale yourself upon an errant Lego piece, we feel your pain. We won’t pretend it’s not a chore (and bore!) to pick up after the entire family. Still, there are easier ways to fight the clutter – it all begins with planning and a few basic rules to keep everybody in line. Here are some messy home fixes to help you out!

Walk-in wardrobe with plenty of storage options.Engage in messy home fixes by identifying your problem zones

Take a good, sweeping look at your house and where people tend to congregate. Look into spots where clutter tends to build up. In order for this operation to succeed, you’ll need to go micro as well as macro; if you’re afraid of missing a spot, engage the help of a family member to take a good long look.

Be honest with yourself! It can be difficult to admit that you’ve let your house become a cluttered mess, but acknowledge that you can and will do better starting now!

Employ the Marie Kondo method

Marie Kondo changed the world with the words: If it doesn’t bring you joy, throw it out. Set aside some time to look through your belongings. If your wardrobe is overflowing, consider removing some pieces you no longer wear. If you have stacks of freebies that you no longer use (we’re looking at you, tote bags!), it’s time for them to go.

Look out for donation centres

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, so if you’re throwing things out that are still of good quality, consider donating them to people in need. Remember: ONLY things of good quality, that can
still be used, should be donated.

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Laundry drying yard with proper storage shelving.

Invest in proper storage

The main reason clutter accumulates is a lack of storage space. Don’t fall into that trap! Invest in multifunctional furniture that incorporates storage, and don’t forget the proper boxes, shelving, cabinets, and such. Dedicate one space to one thing; a box for your kids’ toys, drawers for important documents, shelving for your kitchen utensils, and small storage spaces for your socks and makeup and various other knick-knacks.

Take things one day at a time

We live in a busy world, so don’t sweat it if you can’t commit enough time to do everything in the same day! Create a schedule. Even if it’s just one minute day, you’ll still be doing the work and making progress towards a clutter-free home!

Make basic house rules

Perhaps the most important tip of all: Make some rules and stick with them! Cleaning and organising is easy enough, but it’s fostering new habits that will take time. Make a list and put it up (or follow our checklist below!). Engage your family to stick with your rules. Make a game of it, and the person who slips up has to take out the trash at night!

Chest of drawers in bedroom with laundry bag.


  • Everything has its place; return it when you’re done using it.
  • Dirty laundry goes into the laundry bag.
  • Do your dishes; don’t leave them in the sink!
  • If you don’t need it, don’t buy it.
  • All clothes left unworn for a year will be donated.
  • Shoes live in the shoe cabinet, and not stacked by the front door.
  • Do not hoard food you won’t eat!
  • Electronic cables must be kept neatly wound and untangled.
  • Organise the fridge; it is not a dumping ground for leftovers.
  • Switch off the lights, fan, and AC when you leave the room.


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