Category Archives: Lifestyle

Tell Us Your Star Sign and We’ll Tell You Your Design Style

Star sign design style quiz

Have you ever wondered what your star sign says about your design style? Wonder no more! Take this quiz and we’ll tell you what works with your personality, as laid out by your horoscope! Take another quiz: The Perfect Colour For Your Home And Personality Was your result accurate for your star sign? Share with

How to Care For Leather and Faux Leather Furniture

Can you tell genuine leather and faux leather apart? While the authenticity and genuine qualities of leather may feel like the better option of the two, but when one master the art of leather care, they’re not always distinguishable on the surface. Here are a few tips on caring for your leather:   Genuine leather:

How To Repel Dirt And Fight Health Hazards

Repel dirt by taking off your shoes the moment you enter your house!

In these uncertain and dangerous times, it pays off to be extra vigilant! Contrary to popular belief, it’s easy to repel dirt, and in doing so, fight health hazards. We’ll show you how in a few easy steps! Repel Dirt: Watch Yourself Outside There’s no time like now to break bad habits! Watch yourself when

Allergy-Safe Bedding: A Comprehensive Guide

Allergy-safe bedding; bedroom and bed linens in dark grey, grey, and white.

Bedding: Something we’re intimately attached to, and yet frequently forget about when night has passed. It’s not just about thread counts, patterns, and sizes; the right choice of bedding for you relies on many other factors! Here’s our guide for how to choose allergy-safe bedding! Allergy-safe bedding is breathable There are two typical types of

Why Open Concept Offices Are All the Rage

Most of us would prefer working in bright, brand-new environments, especially if they are clean and clutter-free open concept offices. After all, it’s one of the many features that make co-working spaces unique! Before delving into why open concept offices are all the rage, let’s take a look at some significant differences between old and